Addiction good or bad?

Dopamine? Instant Gratification?

Why we need instant Maggy? Instant coffee? or anything quickly for that matter? Social media is wholly based on this instant thing. You get likes, comments and you engage in it. This social media has made us addicted and we just follow it blindly.

I‌ have been reading this, getting away from a thing is very difficult if it is an addiction e.g. Smoking, Drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco are few of them, this gives instant relief from stresses. When we use these a hormone to release called dopamine, this is a feel-good chemical. A like on Facebook or retweet also releases this chemical in our body giving an instant good feeling.

Dopamine is natural and good, it is required for you to keep going, encourages you to feel good. This makes your mood good and when your mood is good you do good things. Today after two days of useless talks I am lacking one dose fo it, that is why I am talking about it. So dopamine is not bad, it is just what you do for it. Do it organically or with some bad habits may be taking drugs or marijuana.

Instant gratification is like a monkey when you don't get it turns into a very wild animal. I believe getting to this many times, we cannot deny the fact that we need dopamine, we are addicted. So, now we have to get it more naturally and/or organically. For me What work is to think, this is my way of dealing with my instant gratification monkey, my monkey wants to imagine or day-dream. Imagine my mind like a ship in a sea and my brain should be steering, but monkey jumps in to do wherever he wants and starts to turn shift to someplace which my brain or logical thinking don’t want, but I am addicted to the gratification feeling by letting monkey steer I get dopamine shot, then let him do it for some time. Once he is tired, I guide him to tell me what he has seen and‌ I write this down, and again he gets keen on telling me the whole story he went on that ride. And dopamine has been released, a feeling of enthusiasm.

Getting away from your flaws may not be the best choice, or at least I could not but when you start to accept that yes I am addicted, let's find out how to do it in a way where you use it for your benefit. For example, a trapped person in drugs is been treated with physical exercise, because you let your monkey enjoy the pain and start to release the dopamine, and the addiction from drugs to exercising takes place. It cannot be eliminated, it is indeed everyone has just dealt it in a way where it won’t harm, some people read, some pray, some lift weights, I write.

What do you do for your instant gratification monkey? Find out and let me know in the comments.


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