Everyone is a genius

Everyone is a genius?


We have been always told that someone who scores high marks or gets in IIT this 1 out of the class of 60 is called a genius, not all 59. True? but this is like Einstein said if you judge a fish by the ability to climb a tree then it will feel stupid but if you judge by the swimming she is genius.

How is this relevant in our lives? he was a genius so he can say those things. I agree, but if you see the viewpoint you will get. See whether you can score high marks or write a story or sing a song, then each of them cannot be compared but they all are geniuses in the area of their interest. The Sachin Tendulkar may have failed in the school exam but he is God of Cricket. He cannot be judged based on his academics.

We have to see things clearly to be it. Recently, I came across a point which I explained in the past few posts, that writing came to me as an interest, a very specific thing that I want to do. Anytime may be at 3 am in the night too and if I have a story to tell then I won’t be able to sleep. This is turning to be my passion, but by writing a blog or an article, how can I be a genius in this field? Very simple, things come to you as you do them. It is like a ladder until you get to step up you cannot see the next step and so on. I am climbing and you should also.

First, you write a thought, then a story and words start to flow instantaneously, you sync your writing and thinking at some point. For me, this is the best thing happening I type and think the same time while listening to songs. It takes time but will find it for me it took 32 years to get to this and for someone like Sachin, it was just 16. As I read somewhere, we are in our timeline, nothing to do with others we get to the right time, right place in our universe.

I propose you a challenge if you think you need something in life, an answer to the question which is not clear, but always feel something is missing. Do one thing, write, the way you want it, the way feel. Be it in the mother tongue, be in a laptop or a notebook, just set a timer 10 min and start with the thought that comes to your mind, keep writing till time out. You will feel something new, let me know that in the comments.

Keep being a genius!!!


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